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How To Treat Morning Sickness

Katie Katsenis

Simple Things You Can Do To Relieve Morning Sickness

Asian woman preparing a hydration drink.

Morning sickness is an incredibly common symptom of pregnancy that can leave you feeling nauseous, tired, and uncomfortable. It can be challenging to manage, but there are some steps you can take to ease the symptoms and find some comfort. 

Here's what you need to know about dealing with morning sickness during your pregnancy. 

Drink Herbal Teas/Ginger

Drastic morning sickness can leave expecting mothers feeling sluggish and exhausted, making the first trimester of pregnancy a truly miserable experience. Fortunately, there are solutions available to make mornings more bearable. Many women find natural remedies such as herbal tea to help alleviate the symptoms of morning sickness.

With its ease of use and abundance of flavor options, herbal tea makes an excellent choice for struggling mothers-to-be who are searching for a safe yet effective way to manage their nausea. By taking a few moments each day to steep some tea, you can eventually quiet that queasy feeling and restore your energy levels – making pregnancy just a bit easier! Ginger tea or chewing ginger is also something to try.

Try to Keep Your Food Down

Eating smaller meals throughout the day can help keep your food down when you’re dealing with morning sickness. You can also try eating a snack before you get out of bed.  Crackers, dry cereal or something small and light can help your stomach.  Additionally, you must get enough nutrients during your pregnancy, so stick with nutrient-rich foods like fruits and vegetables. 

Taking prenatal vitamins can help your body get at least some of the nutrients it needs. Eating smaller, more frequent meals during the day can also help you to keep your food down better. 

Don't Lie Down After Eating

Lying down after eating can make it harder for your stomach to digest food properly, which can lead to more nausea and discomfort. So try not to lie down right after meals or snacks; instead, get up and move around a bit or take a short walk outside until the feeling passes. Lying down after eating can also lead to heartburn and other gastrointestinal discomforts, so do yourself a favor and stay upright after meals to keep nausea at bay.

Managing morning sickness is no easy task but it doesn’t have to be daunting either! Remembering these few tips—drinking herbal teas, eating smaller meals throughout the day, and avoiding lying down after meals—can help make it a bit easier for pregnant women dealing with morning sickness symptoms. If you find yourself still struggling, don’t hesitate to speak with your doctor about other methods for relief.

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